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Bossy Women and the Bride of Christ
How the world’s ways of leadership have seeped into the church—but not in the way you might expect.
Hoverboards In Church? 22 Differences Between Gimmicks and Innovations
Gimmicks are like candy. They're fun for a moment. But you can't build a steady diet – or a strong church – on them.
8 Commitments Leaders Owe Their Teams
A leader can't exist without people to lead—treat them well.
Tony Morgan, Church Growth and the Small Thinking that Shouldn't Divide Us
Different ministries approach church health and growth in different ways. If we didn't, we probably couldn’t help each other very much.
They Just Don’t Get It: Why Big Church Solutions Can't Fix Small Church Problems
The vast majority of churches are small, so we need small church alternatives to big church solutions.
3 Secrets of Leadership Training
What does it take to develop leaders in your church?
Why Millennials Won't Build the Kinds of Churches their Parents Built
We can't treat Millennials as a homogeneous group. We have to minister to them as individuals, instead.
Why I've Stopped Saying ‘Church Growth’ – And What I Say Instead
The words Church Growth are packed with so much emotional baggage that they’ve become virtually useless in my context.
Pastor as Coach and Shepherd? Yeah, Right. (From a Real FB Convo)
When someone sneers "A pastor that helps you define anything other than who would lead a committee! HA! Good one," let's listen before responding.
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